Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Simple Tip To Getting Lean and Ripped

Have you ever heard of sprint workouts?  They're killer fat burning workouts that you can do.  Yes, really.

Research did at Colorado State University, where the test subjects were given a three day maintenance diet.

Out of those three days, they took one day to do 2.5 minutes of sprints.

With todays technology, such as oxygen analyzers, 200 extra calories were burned on the day they ran the sprints.

tips to getting ripped

Best Sprint Workout

This routine incorporated a stationary bike with the resistance set at high, you would pedal as fast and hard as possible for 30 seconds and do this for a period of five times. Each of these periods are followed by slow pedaling with little to no resistance for 4 minutes to recover. The key is to give it your all, I'm talking about 110%.

So when you look at it this workout routine comes in at under 30 minutes, with a little under 3 minutes of hard as you can go.

Thats some awesome stuff we got here!

lets face it, you don't really see to many overweight sprinters, do you?

Its not that uncommon to see overweight runners in marathons, Ive seen quite a few.

I don't mean overweight by being huge or something but more that their body fat composition isn't right.

More often they are small but just don't have enough muscle and a little more fat then necessary.

So most of the time people made of with this body composition won't look fat at all.

With all that long distance running, you burn up a lot of muscle but this is not the case with sprinters.

If you want ripped abs and to get lean I'd have to say sprint workouts will have you peeling off the fat at an incredible pace and boost your metabolism through the roof.

Please be careful when sprinting as injuries can occur,  if you don't warm up properly as with any workout routine.

If your looking to make your sprints more effective and more intense, try finding a nice hill to sprint up. If this is not available just use your nearest track or field, try not to run on hard cement or concrete for instance a road or sidewalk as this could be harmful in the long run.

You can warm up before your sprint workout with a little jog or something like hitting the jumprope for a few minutes. I love bodyweight exercises and thats what we'll be doing next a few squats or any other bodyweight exercise will do right here. this is just getting your body warmed up for the sprints.

You'll start with about 3 sprints of anywhere from 30 to 40 yards each one getting harder as you go, hope your not super tired at this point because that was just the warmups.

The Real Deal

HIIT does things to the body that its just not accustomed to, studies show.
I could go on to name all the great benefits such as the increase in energy and so on and so on but all in all This really is gonna improve your fitness.

Not to mention, doing these sprint workouts are just like doing strenuous exercises on your legs, so don't forget to give your body time to recover. Ease up on the weight sessions if your going to start doing multiple sprinting sessions a week.

Its pretty easy to switch up your sessions but not only do you have the variety, you'll start to improve your whole fitness level in no time. You may start out with a couple twenty yard sprints till you get to a little longer one but you never want to let it get to to long. With these type of workouts its just like the old saying goes "a little goes a long way".

tip to getting lean

Anyone can do these even if the HIIT is a little too much check out the progression below:

  •      Mix jogging with walking

  •      Mix running with jogging

  •      Mix sprints with walking

    Try sprinting uphill then walking right back down. take as much rest as needed here.

Start by adding intervals until you are doing 10 sprints of 20 yards then, you drop back the number of sprint intervals to 4 or 5 and sprint for 30 yards.

Soon enough, you might be doing 10 sixty yard sprints for your routine. You might be familiar with this progression as its the same as if you were lifting weights.

You really wanna start shedding fat and getting ripped abs plus see quick results, try adding HIIT  sprints to your program.

For more fitness tips checkout some of the home workout routines at